Theory, Research, and Practice in Evidence-Based Research

Evidence-based research (EBR) is a term that has become increasingly popular in healthcare and nursing. It is a form of research that relies on data and information from scientific studies, medical journals, and other forms of research to inform clinical practice. This type of research is conducted to ensure that healthcare providers are aware of the latest evidence and can make informed decisions about patient care. To do this, EBR must consider the importance of theory, research, and practice. Combining these three aspects is essential for evidence-based research, as it provides a comprehensive and holistic approach to problem-solving. In relation to evidence-based research, this paper will explain the significance of theory, research findings, and practice. It will also briefly discuss how the elements of a theory would enable evidence-based research into the issue raised in the scenario Theory, Research, and Practice in Evidence-Based Research.


Importance of Theory

The importance of theory in Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) cannot be overstated. The theory provides the foundation for evidence-based research by providing a framework to guide the development of research questions, data collection, and analysis. Theory helps us to understand the underlying causes of a problem. It can provide useful insights into the best ways to address a problem and effectively develop interventions to address it (Portney,2020). Theory can help researchers to develop hypotheses to test and identify potential confounding variables that may influence the results. Theory can also help to explain the results of studies and to identify potential areas for further research.

One possible theory is the Infection Control Theory. It suggests that the risk of postoperative readmission due to wound infections can be reduced by controlling the number of potential sources of infection and improving the levels of hygiene in the operating theatre (Andersen et al., 2019)Theory, Research, and Practice in Evidence-Based Research. It includes antiseptic solutions, appropriate theatre cleaning, and appropriate hand hygiene practices. Additionally, the use of sterile instruments and equipment, as well as the use of single-use items, can help to reduce the risk of postoperative wound infections. Finally, proper management of the patient’s health before and after surgery can also help to reduce the risk of postoperative readmission due to wound infections. It includes ensuring the patient is up-to-date on their vaccinations, controlling underlying medical conditions, and providing appropriate wound care.

The Infection Control Theory is an important evidence-based practice (EBP) theory. This theory provides a framework that can be used to reduce the risk of postoperative readmissions due to wound infections (Andersen et al., 2019). By following the theory’s guidelines, healthcare providers can ensure that they provide their patients with the best care. This, in turn, can help to reduce the risk of postoperative readmission due to wound infections and improve the overall quality of care.

The Infection Control Theory is also important for EBP, as it provides a way for healthcare providers to understand the potential sources of infection and how to prevent them. By understanding the potential sources of infection, healthcare providers can be better equipped to make decisions about the best practices to reduce the risk of infection. It can help ensure that the patient receives the highest quality of care and that the risk of readmission due to wound infections is minimized.


Research is the foundation of EBP. It is important to have strong evidence from research to inform decisions made in clinical settings. Research findings can help identify the most effective interventions and treatments for specific conditions and potential harms associated with particular interventions (Li et al., 2019)Theory, Research, and Practice in Evidence-Based Research. Research can also be used to inform decisions about which interventions should be used in specific clinical settings, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of those interventions. Furthermore, research can provide insight into the population that would benefit most from particular interventions and potential cost-effectiveness.

The research findings discussed in this paper provide important evidence for implementing a discharge teaching plan that focuses on postoperative wound care. According to research, postoperative wound problems are the most frequent postoperative complication and the leading cause of readmission following surgery (Graham et al., 2021). The study also discovered that patients with post-discharge issues are 40% less likely to need readmission and that they are more expensive than complications that occur at the index hospital. The evidence can support the development of a plan to reduce readmissions due to postoperative wound infections.

Evidence-based research is important in developing an effective plan to reduce readmissions due to postoperative wound infections. Evidence-based research involves using current, relevant, and valid research to inform decision-making and guide practice. Theory can guide evidence-based research by providing a framework for understanding the problem, informing the research process, and providing direction for developing interventions.


Practice is the application of research findings in clinical settings. It involves using evidence-based guidelines and recommendations to inform decisions about the care of individual patients. It is important to consider the clinical context when applying research findings and identify any potential harms or risks associated with the interventions being used (Fulcher-Rood et al., 2020)Theory, Research, and Practice in Evidence-Based Research. Furthermore, it is important to consider the patient’s values and preferences when making decisions about their care. Practice also involves the ongoing review and evaluation of the outcomes of interventions to identify areas for improvement.


In conclusion, Evidence-based research is an invaluable tool for healthcare providers, as it helps to ensure that they are providing the best possible care to their patients and making informed decisions based on the most up-to-date evidence. The theory provides the foundation for evidence-based research, as it provides a framework to guide the development of research questions, data collection, and analysis. Research provides the evidence to inform decisions made in clinical settings, while practice involves the application of evidence-based guidelines in the care of individual patients. Together, these three aspects can help healthcare providers to make informed decisions about patient care and to develop effective interventions to reduce readmissions due to postoperative wound infections Theory, Research, and Practice in Evidence-Based Research